Wednesday 26 March 2008

A challenging journey.

Traveled to Germany last week-end... Came back on Tuesday morning. Now it's Wednesday evening and I am still so tired.
It was something like this:
- booked my train tickets Belfort - Mulhouse - Strasbourg;
(just on the day of my departure, which was Thursday, the whether decided to go insane and to turn winter in the middle of spring. So, all things like snow, wind, minus temperature were there altogether)
- arrived to the station and <...> the train Belfort - Mulhouse cancelled. Duhh... And no idea when it can potentially start running as they told me there was some accident on the track;
- called a friend of mine and he took me to Mulhouse by car. Well... this world still has quite a bit of good people around. E., thank you!
- cought up with the train to Strasbourg. Hooray, now everything's gonner be awright.
- aha, wait! Life is not that simple;
- the bus tickets I booked in a hurry before appeared to be... (how to put it in a better way?) for the previous day. Hmm... and don't even ask me, how it could happen. I don't know and period. But I already had a serious session of 'self-analysis and reprimands';
- having discovered this, tried to buy train tickets, but - voila - the ticket desk happily closed for Easter and automatic machines did not sell tickets for the international travel;
- decided to try and buy on the board;
- I told you, life is not simple!;
- an "amiable" German train driver just refused to sell me the ticket on board giving the following reasoning: "Where are you coming from? - Belfort? - Why didn't you buy in Belfort? - [Because I bought the tickets for the bus etc etc] - Mademoiselle, what bus?! It is the train station! " Duhh... So, with the half-empty coach he just left, even after half of the Strasbourg station personnel was begging him to sell me those stupid tickets and take me! Well, it must be something cultural, I don't want to talk about it...;
- had to spend that horrible cold night at the station. Thanks to the French management of the station for their caring attitude, they gave me a separate waiting hall where it was warm and secure;
- fuhh...
- didn't sleep the entire night. In the morning, took a train. It was also DB, but luckily they were sell tickets on board (as the ticket desk was still closed);
- Voila Germany...;
- every train I had to change was delayed and no one could tell me whether I could take the next corresponding one. In fact, no one knew anything!;
- ok-ok... Arrived.;
Traveling back was just a bit easier as I took the Night Express. Though it was no less cold, but it is no one's fault, right?
- only on the way from Mulhouse to Belfort it appeared that the track was not yet mended and the train stopped half-way in Altkirch. They provided a bus - no problem. The only thing is that it took 1.5 hrs instead of the left 15 min to get to Belfort... Duhh...
- I dunno. I am just so tired.

But the Easter week-end itself was really good. Was worth all these challenges and I even had one bright sunny day near Rhine with beautiful live jazz music!!! :-)

That's it! Stay tuned. :-)

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